Galeria Quadrilion, Warsaw, 2017

Multilayer Acryl
110 x 160 cm I Single Edition

Multilayer Acryl
120 x 135 cm I Single Edition

Multilayer Acryl
110 x 160 cm I Single Edition

“Evolve” Art
“Evolve” is an unique art project of Igor Posavec and world famous photographer Tomasz Gudzowaty.
This art collection of three multi-layer artworks depict a new approach of photography interpretation, where fine-art meets synthetic design. Thomas Gudzowatys’ beautiful, photography of patterned landscapes and animals were alienated through Igor Posavecs’ strong visual language. Incredible machinery disturb the the poetic nature of life, yet announcing some new kind of future.
“Evolve”: Exhibition
The exibtion takes place in Warsaw in 2017, in the “Galeria Quadrilion”.
For more information and artworks please contact www.quadrilion.pl
Artists: Igor Posavec, Thomasz Gudzowaty
Kurator: Carmen Tarcha
Gallery: Galeria Quadrilion