Get “Android Dreams” prints on metal!

Get “Android Dreams” prints on metal!

Displate has enlisted SA-PO (Igor Posavec & Sven Sauer Art Project) in their Artist Exhibition Portfolio and provider now offers our unique artwork series “Android Dreams” as Art Metal Posters.

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Art Exhibition Danzig, 2015

Art Exhibition Danzig, 2015

After a year of hard work on the new ideas and techniques, we will present on 03. October 2015 in Danzig (Poland) to the public  a series of brand new artworks. The new Artworks confront us all with the latest changes in the society. We put this deep and controversy...

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Insights in the making of artworks

Insights in the making of artworks

During the last days of "Maschinenträume" exhibition preparations, a SWR Journalist was following our creation process and documented it for a TV channel. From this work intensive, sometimes chaotic days, we were able to recover some snapshots. Although the atmosphere...

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Mars Landing Art

Mars Landing Art

A new CG Art collection has been added to the portfolio, called "Distant Worlds". The latest works are inspired by my latest work on the "MARS 500" project. The first man should soon fly to the Mars, and there is still much open space for creating fantasy visuals of...

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Announcement: Exhibition in Seoul – Asia art event

Announcement: Exhibition in Seoul – Asia art event

SA-PO Artists Igor Posavec and Sven Sauer are going to exhibit their artworks at the upcoming event “360 MINUTES ART: VOLUME 3″ in Seoul, South Korea. The highly anticipated exhibition, famous for its radical way of presenting original artworks, is going to be held on...

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Warsaw exhibtion : Sold out!

Warsaw exhibtion : Sold out!

SA-PO team (Sven Sauer & Igor Posavec) has successfully exposed their artworks during the highly anticipated “360 Minutes Art” exhibition in Warsaw, on October 18th, 2014.

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